Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sanskrit BaLi Tattoo Designs
There are very many beautiful and interesting Sanskrit tattoo designs. Sanskrit is very old, born as early as 1500 BC. It was originally a spoken language, used for the Hindu religion in India. It slowly expanded its role over the centuries, spilling into the royal courts and literature. Three of the greatest epic poems in the world, the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bagavadgita are composed in Sanskrit. As you can see, there is a wealth of material inspiring numerous tattoo images.
Despite the large number of potential Sanskrit tattoo designs, only a few are commonly seen. Many Sanskrit tattoos feature one of these three symbols - Om, Padma (lotus flower), or Trishula (Shiva's trident)
There is good reason why Om is popular, but it is sad to see how so many tattoos use the same Om symbol. Since Sanskrit was originally a spoken language, many different writing systems grew up around it. The Om that is commonly seen in tattoos is based on the Devanagari script. While it is beautiful and elegant, there are other scripts with equally beautiful Om symbols - the Tamil Om, the Tibetan Om, the Balinese Om, the Bangla Om, the Jain Om, the Gurmukhi Om. Before you commit yourself to the Devanagari Om, you should take a look at these other Om symbols.
The smaller Sanskrit tattoos are actually ideal for first tattoos. They are relatively inexpensive and fast to execute. That means you can go to a good tattoo artist to get it done right. This is much better than going to a third-class tattoo johnny for a big tribal tattoo and risking a botched job. A small tattoo is also better for the first-timer - the experience of being tattooed is not for everyone. Better to discover that fact with a small tattoo than end up with an incomplete large tattoo because you find the experience unendurable halfway through
You can put a Sanskrit tattoo virtually anywhere. However, if you are expressing your spirituality, you should avoid your buttocks and soles of your feet. You should show some proper respect by putting it somewhere without any negative spiritual connotations, e.g. wrist, biceps, shoulders or lower back. There is no problem with having a large tattoo across your chest or back showing one of the scenes from the Ramayana, e.g Rama slaying the demon king Ravana and rescuing his wife Sita.
If you like beautiful quotations and inspiring prayers, Sanskrit is an excellent choice. You can pick a passage from one of the great Sanskrit epic poems like the Mahabharata or select a prayer from the Hindu Rig Veda or Buddhist Heart Sutra. These are just a few of the many choices available to you
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Girl Tattoo Ideas
1. Butterfly designs.
Butterfly tattoo art can be very bold and beautiful. The colors can really pop out, and butterflies can be beautiful feminine artwork for the skin.
2. Flower tattoos.
Flower tats don't have to be simple rose designs. There are many different options with flower tattoos. My favorite is including numerous, colorful flowers into one tattoo design.
3. Star tattoos.
Star tattoos are great for both women and men. They symbolize strength and direction, and you have many options such as the classic nautical star tattoo, or more modern star designs. Some star options for girl tattoo ideas are a variety of smaller star tats, grouped together, in different colors. Perhaps each one could represent something or someone in your life.
4. Dragon tattoos.
Yes, dragon tattoos can be extremely feminine and they make for great girl tattoo ideas! Some of the sexiest ink out there are dragon tats on females. They represent strength and power, and have a mystical nature about them as well.
5. Tribal tattoo designs.
Tribal designs can work great as a girl tat. There are tribal tattoos that are more feminine and even some that incorporate flowers into the tribal design. You can also get a tribal design to surround an existing tattoo or incorporate it in another design altogether.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
tattoo removal metode with laser
Each works on different pigment colors and compounds, so the dermatologist will use one or a combination of lasers depending on the nature of a specific tattoo. It follows that you would want to select a dermatologist that has the specific laser necessary for removing your tattoo.
A tattoo’s pigment has been inserted into the dermal layer of the skin through ruptures in the skin’s top layer, or epidermis. In very short pulses, the laser light is selectively absorbed by the color of the tattoo ink.
This high energy causes the tattoo ink to fragment into smaller pigment particles that are then removed by the body’s immune system. Whether it’s a tiny fish on an ankle or a large design covering half of the back, in most cases laser treatments can remove up to 90 to 95 percent of a tattoo, although multiple sessions will most likely be necessary.
t is possible that tattoo removal treatment could bring out a latent herpes infection so a patient must alert his dermatologist if he has a herpes infection in the area of the tattoo.In some cases where herpes is involved the doctor will prescribe a preventative antibiotic prior to the tattoo removal procedure. Additionally, it is advised that patients don’t go into the sun prior to having a tattoo removed because skin burnt from the sun reacts more strongly to laser treatment.
Tattoos in Mainstream Culture
What is even more interesting is the rise in the number of people who are heavily tattooed and that they come from all different backgrounds.
Not too long ago tattooing did not experience the popularity in mainstream culture that it does now. The question that must be asked in order to understand this fascination that popular culture has had with tattoos is why people get tattoos. There has been an upsurge of people getting tattoos in the past number of years. People of all ages are getting them and from all different backgrounds. It is estimated that 10% of people in the United States have at least one tattoo. On a good day in just about any public place one can spot a tattoo about every five minutes, from the business man who had a portrait of his daughter put on him to a young girl with a butterfly on her ankle and even people with extensive tattoo coverage.
There still is a lot of intolerance towards people who have tattoos especially towards people who have a lot of them but these days a tattoo here and there is not looked down as it once was. There was a time when only “low lives,” were thought of as having tattoos and people who had them were dirty criminals and should not be associated with. Due to the mainstream of the world not accepting the practicing of tattoos many tattooists and their clients went into an underground state.
It was not always easy for people to even find a tattoo artist even if they were brave enough to be labeled a “low life” by the majority of culture. A lot of places even banned tattooing due to the fact that they thought tattooing was morally wrong and a health risk. Tattooing was still illegal in New York City until 1993. The mystery that surrounds the art of tattooing has always created ignorant ideas from people who are misinformed.
Looking back at how people perceived tattoos then and how many “normal” people have them today shows a lot about how the world has changed, specifically in mainstream society. These days one can thrown a rock and hit a tattoo shop, but why the change of heart? Why are tattoos so popular now? Holly Tuesday, a writer for “Skin & Ink” tattoo magazine and heavily tattooed person said “We all, myself included, like to think that we stand out from the crowd.
Most of us have adorned our bodies relish the glances and stares. My personal opinion is that many of these glances are from those who wish they had the guts to exert their own personality in such a beautiful way. But the lookyloos are becoming few and far between in my parts. So many people have tattoos, piercings and dyed hair that my previously shocking nature has been admonished (22). She then goes on to state examples of how mainstream tattooing has become like professional soccer games had tattoo artists at one of their events and the country singers Brooks and Dunn are having tattooists at their shows.
Dustin Horan, a tattoo artist said ” I see all kinds of people coming to get tattoos, mothers and daughters going to get their first tattoos together, many different people are getting tattoos.” It is obviously clear that tattoos have broken through their mysterious outlaw image in a sense. To many people it is a sign of rebellion that they wear proudly on the outside to show how they feel on the inside. But it goes even deeper than rebellion. Our culture has come a long way in what is seen as conservative and have exasperated many other ways of rebellion and more importantly ways of expressing themselves.
People have already seen it all and it was only a matter of time before they moved on and found something else. To a lot of people that would be tattoos. There is no greater commitment to something then to wear it permanently for everyone to see. The public has become fascinated with this concept of permanence and the beauty of a well executed tattoo. Somewhere down the line culture decided to turn their ignorance and fear into fascination. The fascination of being able to take control of one’s body with permanent markings is becoming more apparent among people.
Tattoos have become therapy, they have become solutions to making people feel better about themselves. Chris Pfouts, the editor of “International Tattoo” magazine said “Many, many people get tattooed at low points in their lives, and the work is therapeutic that way. They feel boxed in, jammed up, unable to force a change anywhere in their lives- so they change the one thing they can for certain, their skin. This is one of the few times when tattooing flips its usual role. In other cases, people are taking what’s inside of them, their pain or happiness, and putting it on the outside. Getting tattooed as a last resort method of change takes what is outside- resistance, barriers – and possibly brings it inside, cuts it down to a size where it can be handled and overcome (4).” People have found this in tattooing and because of this it is becoming more and more accepted as more and more people are getting tattooed.
Taking control of one’s body is a major draw to the art of tattooing. When everything else was already used up, tattooing became the answer and thus entered popular culture. In a world of chaos and turmoil does it not make sense that one would want to take control in a way that is possible for them and reliable? The tattoo will never go away which fascinates some people and scares many, it will not change unlike the world. If a person can choose to wear something on them that will not go away and not change then they feel a sense of power, the power to control oneself in a healthy yet rebellious way.
I, myself am very tattooed and in places that are quite visible most of the time. There has always been a magical feeling every time I have received a tattoo. I am not unlike these other people who get tattoos, we all get tattoos for similar reasons and many times it has brought me closer to people who are fascinated with tattoos. Wearing tattoos everyday has effected me immensely.
It seems acceptable for a person now to mark their body with something that means something. With all conventional means of remembering something expended, the tattoo has came and taken its place. People get tattoos when they are on vacation with loved ones to remember the moment forever or to mark a moment in their life when something monumental has happened to them. In a world of artificial amusement and products, many people are looking for a genuine experience, one that can change the way they think about themselves but in a controlled manner.
What was considered to be delinquent behavior is now considered a genuine experience by popular culture. It is also considered to be an acceptable means of expression and commitment. Society has changed and quite rapidly. There is still a lingering sense of tradition that people hold on to, that tattoos are bad. As a whole popular culture has embraced the art of tattooing and with that their has grown acceptance. Tattoos will never go away and they will always be part of our culture due to the desire of mankind to control and express oneself
Tribal tattoos described as neo tribal
Tribal tattoos have been been practiced in one form or another for millenia. While the practice may be somewhat different nowadays there are still many who get tribal tattoos for reasons which could be described as neo-tribal in their quest to belong to a ‘tribe’ (either neo-tribal or traditional) even if it is on a subconscious level. Most simply get tribal tattoos because of their striking appearance.
Historically getting tattooed was seen as a rite of passage into adulthood. A belief goes that if a girl can’t take the pain of tattooing, she is un-marriageable, because she will never be able to deal with the pain of child birth. If a boy can’t deal with the pain he is considered to be a bad risk as a warrior, and could become isolated from the tribe. Some primitive tribes use tattooing as a rite of social status. The Maori peoples of New Zealand use tattooing primarily for this purpose. To the Maori, a person’s Moko designs enhanced their prestige and show transition from one social status to another. At its highest level, Moko designs proclaimed the sacredness of chieftainship.
An offshoot of Maori tattooing for health is tattooing to preserve youth. Maori girls tattooed their lips and chin, for this reason. When an old Ainu lady’s eyesight is failing, she can re-tattoo her mouth and hands, for better vision.
The Hawaiians are prominent among people who have specific tattoo gods. In Hawaii, the images of the tattoo gods are kept in the temples of tattoo priests. Each tattoo session begins with a prayer to the tattoo gods that the operation might not cause death, that the wounds might heal soon, and that the designs might be handsome.
In the 1970’s, American tattooing discovered primitive, tribal tattoos. People wanted simple designs with meaning and they began copying Polynesian tattoos primarily from the islands of the South Pacific. In the past few decades, people of westerners began looking for tribal tattoos of their own origins and created a new form of tattoo commonly known as neo tribal. Many old school American tattooists will tell you…
Lotus flower tattoo
starts as a small flower down at the bottom of a pond in the mud and muck. It slowly grows up towards the waters surface continually moving towards the light. Once it come to the surface of the water the lotus flower begins to blossom and turn into a beautiful flower.
Within Hinduism and Buddhism the lotus flower has become a symbol for awakening to the spiritual reality of ife. The meaning varies slightly between the two religions of course but essentially both religious traditions place importance on the lotus flower. In modern times the meaning of a lotus flower tattoo ties into it’s religious symbolism and meaning. Most tattoo enthusiast feel that the a lotus tattoo represent life in general. As the lotus flower grows up from the mud into a object of great beauty people also grow and change into something more beautiful (hopefully!). So the symbol represent the struggle of life at its most basic form.
Lotus flower tattoos are also popular for people who have gone through a hard time and are now coming out of it. Like the flower they have been at the bottom in the muddy, yucky dirty bottom of the pond but have risen above this to display an object of beauty or a life of beauty as the case might be. Thus a lotus flower tattoo or blossom can also represent a hard time in life that has been overcome.
Lotus flower and peonies are also two flowers that are very popular among Japanese tattoo artists and they make a great compliment to Koi Fish tattoos. Ironically enough the two koi fish and lotus flowers can often be found in the same pond in front of a temple. The Koi fish is a symbol typically for strength and individualism
Animal tattoos, are a more popular tattoo design that one would think, and people get animal tattoos for various reasons.
Throughout time and literature, animals of varying species will symbolize different things. So, when one person gets an animal tattoo, it may mark a turning point in their life, or how that animal represents their soul.
Plus, in today’s society, animals are a big part of life. We spend millions on our pets, and many people reflect their love with tattoos of their beloved pets on their body. Some people just find a fascination with an animal species, and feel the need to have it tattooed on their body.Whereas, others may have a spiritual connection with the animal. But, in any case, animal tattoos are popular among the masses.
The more common animal tattoos include:
- Koi
- Snakes
- Frogs
- Tigers
- Horses
- Birds
- Dogs
- Cats
- Dragons
- Butterflies
Relatively similar to goldfish, the Koi is a fish that is native to China, Japan, and Korea. They are represented by brightly colored fish usually surrounded by a wave or some form of water.
Koi fish are traditionally considered lucky, which is why they tend to be a very popular tattoo. Itis said that Koi can climb waterfalls, and if they are caught, it will lie on the cutting board without waver, similar to a samurai warrior facing a sword. Based on the legend that Koi succeeded in climbing the waterfalls at Dragon Gate, on the Yellow River, and was transformed into a dragon, it became a symbol of worldy aspiration and advancement. Eventually, the fish came to be associated with masculine and positive qualities. Koi can also represent courage, the ability to attain goals, and overcomine life’s difficultie
What Are Sugar Skull Tattoos
In Mexico when they celebrate the Day Of The Dead they will often make a ton of beautiful pieces of art and sculpture all features skulls and skeletons
Some of these sculptures are edible like the Sugar Skulls. These are skulls made from sugar and then they are painting with food coloring in bright and beautiful colors. They will often have flowers for eyes and some other beautifully colored designs about them. These are seen as a way to morn the dead that have past but also celebrate life and the beauty of their own life and the beauty of the life of the person who has passed on.
So you might want to give that skull tattoo a second look. Sure it might be menacing or scary at first but it is becoming more and more common and it seems people are starting to embrace the idea of skulls in the popular media, fashion and tattooing trends.
Skull Tattoos
were typically only gotten by "those people" you know the ones I am talking about right! Those tough looking gangster guys that have spent time in prison. Or maybe those Gothic guys that have some kind of strange and morbid obsession with death right? Well, the world is changing and what was once shocking, unknowing and scary has today become more and more mainstream. Skull tattoos, Gothic culture and other things that were once very menacing and scary are today very normal and part of our daily life.
Today Skulls as a design motif are becoming more and more popular everywhere. You now see skulls on the latest fashion trends of kids, in skateboards, on surfboards and just about everything else you could think of. Skulls have become part of our mainstream culture and are part of the art of today. However, this does not mean that the world is all at one time becoming more morbidly fascinated with death or dying. There are many other associations with skull other then just death. For example think about the symbols of skulls and sugar skeletons from Mexico as they celebrate the “Day Of The Dead”. Today skulls are starting to also be associated with life in a way. If a skull represents death then it can also be a reminder to us that life is short and to live each day to it’s fullest a sort of symbolic “Carpe Diem”
Now there are still those of course that get skull tattoo just to look tough and menacing but the number has definitely changed in the last few years. Those that want to look thought and menacing get tattoos like the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper is an depiction or a figure of death the one who comes and gets you at the end of your time. He wears black robes and has no face but carries a big farming sickle.
Celtic tattoo designs
that many people get nowadays have very little in to do with Druidic beliefs of the past and a great deal of their symbolism has been lost or confused over time. This has left behind very complex and beautiful tattoo designs that may have some religious significance, however, a great deal of the original intent is left veiled by time.
Most Celtic artwork starts with a common knot design. These are attractive knots of interlaced lines that cross over one another repeatedly to produce an exquisite design. These knots don’t have a start or an end they are simply a perpetual knot that goes on eternally. These interwoven lines are thought to symbolize the spiritual and the physical realms of life, which become entangled with each other.
Celtic Tree Of Life Tattoo
Among the favorite themes of Celtic tattoo designs is the Tree Of Life. This in all likelihood goes back as a symbol to the Druidic religion, which was a nature, based religion. Trees frequently symbolize life, growing from a seed into a tree much like a person grows from a child into an adult. Trees are often seen as a life giving plant and are venerated in many naturalistic faiths. There is also an association with Christianity in the Adam and Eve story in which Eve eats the fruit from a tree.
The Celtic Cross Tattoo
Celtic Heart Tattoos
Another favorite Celtic design theme is a heart. Celtic heart tattoos are once again intertwined knot work in the shape of a heart. Generally done in black color only but can also be done in color. These are exquisite designs and make great tattoos. These are particularly popular among women.
More Symbols Include:
- Anchor: Steadfastness
- Bell: Weddings, Anniversaries.
- Chain Links: Linking of Lives, No. Of children, Years together.
- Comma Shapes: Soul Signs.
- Cross: Faith, Marriage.
- Diamond: Wealth, Good Fortune.
- Dragon: Symbol of Wales, Protection.
- Flowers: Affection or Courtship, Friendship.
- Heart: Love.
- Horseshoe: Good Luck and Happiness.
- Key: Home
- Knot: Everlasting, together forever.
- Leaves: Love Grows.
- Ship: Smooth passage through life.
- Vine: Love Grows.
- Wheel: Willingness to work for a loved one.
- Double Spoons: The Couple Together Forever.
Tip How to right choice to make tattoo
1. Ask yourself - why you even want a tattoo in the first place. Do you want to have something you love ingrained in your skin forever? Are you doing it for someone else? Are you happy you’re old enough to get a tattoo without parent permission? Are you getting a discount? Think about each reason why and why not.
2. Ask if a tattoo – will affect you in the workplace and other scenarios. It’s most likely not worth losing a job over. Also see if there are rules against tattoos in other organizations your participate in, such as sports or volunteering.
3. Choosing a design:
- Make sure the design has meaning to you and that it is inevitably a reflection of the self. Thus, the design should represent something that you love, enjoy or are attached to. It may be in honor of another. Why are these things meaningful to you?
- Consider tattoos with writing even more. Make sure you know and understand the meanings of words, their origins, etc. If you’re choosing a quote, make sure it represents you completely. Don’t forget to pick the perfect font (or make your own)… typefaces create moods and feelings.
- Look at other tattoos and designs that exist already, though don’t restrict yourself to what’s already out there. Check books, posters, stationary, stickers and anything else out there, not just the designs on the tattoo parlor walls.
4. Choosing where you want it:
- The placement of your tattoo on your body is very important. Do you want it to show up every day or do you want it covered up most of the time for whatever reason, whether for work or recreation? Think about the clothes you wear, how your hair is worn and the activities you participate in and how they will affect how often your tattoo shows.
- You can try getting a printout of the design you are considering for your tattoo artist to recreate on your skin temporarily.
- Try getting a henna tattoo of the design you’re thinking of before you get the real thing; henna is more temporary (lasting at least a week and up to a month) and, though you won’t be able to get the colors and exact detail of what you want, you can get an idea of how it feels in a certain place at a certain size.
5. Choosing color: Do you want your tattoo in black or gray? Do you want a full-color tattoo? White? Will the color fade faster in certain places on your body? Consider the pigment of your skin and how well the color goes with it.
6. Creating the design:
- Be creative. Sometimes it just takes a little practice to draw your own design.
- You don’t have to create the design yourself; you can ask a tattoo artist to do it. Many are conventional artists that can at least copy a picture you find that you might want to base your design on. They can also reproduce it onto your skin temporarily as well as redesign a drawing you do.
- How big do you want this tattoo to be? Think about where it’s going and if you want it to show at all. How expensive will it be? Sleeves can cost up to $300!
7. Choosing an artist:
- Consider what style of tattoo you like best, then find a tattoo artist that specializes in that style; even though many can achieve a wide range of looks, they usually have specialties. There are natural, Asian, black and white, comical and other types of looks to consider.
- The recommendations of others really help! Make sure that the artist you go to gets good props from former and/or current customers; don’t just go to the nearest parlor. Look at tattoos people got from the place you’re thinking about going to and see if they have the kind of look you’re going for.
- Also consider prices. Try to get a quote before you get it because you don’t want to be disappointed or angry once the tattoo is done.
- You may want to consider the experience the artist has. It doesn’t hurt to ask.
Finally, don’t be afraid to take your time in choosing. The most important thing is that you yourself are happy with the finished product. Take as much time as possible!
Different Styles Of Angel Wing BaLi Tattoos
Angel wings tattoos can be done in a wide vareity of places and styles on the body. WHere you choose is really up to you and your own personal choice. After all it is you that will be wearing this tattoo for the rest of your life so it is important to chose a design location and style that you are happy with.
Probably the most tradtional of all angel wing tattoo styles are the feathered wings done ont he upper back or full back. These are typically done in black ink only and a kinds of feathery multi layered effect.Tribal Tattoo Wings
Another popular option for wings tattoos is to have a more representative image of wings and a little less realistic looking. These tattoos can be done in a tribal tattoo style. Again these typically make use of grayscale and are done in black ink only. Yet don’t let that stop you form adding beautiful colors and more details into your own tattoos.
Angel Wings Tattoos With Accessories
The other form of angel wing tattoos are not the tattoo by itself but instead an inporation of other symbols where angel wings are incorporated. For example a heart with a pair of wings is a very common
You don’t have to be stuck with these choices alone eaither. If you have your own idea of a free form angel wing tattoo design that you like then go for it.
Anything that expresses your own unique individuality can make for a great tattoo.
religious symbol tattoos
Leviticus 19:28 states, “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you”. Not to engage in a biblical debate or anything, but Leviticus also states that only royalty can wear the color purple, and that if a man touches a woman while she is menstruating, he must bathe in the river of Jordan. Anyway, some Christians take this to mean that scarring, cutting, piercing or tattooing oneself in any way is a desecration of the body–and the body is a temple of God. Others argue that that verse applies to other false, un-Christian religious practices, or that believers of the New Testament are not bound by Old Testament laws. Some proponents of Christianity mistakenly believe that tattoos are rooted in paganism or witchcraft. Regardless, tattoos of religious symbols are a popular choice of body art among Christians and many other denominations.
My 20-year old cousin recently brought this to my attention, opining that he didn’t believe in getting tattoos for himself due to the Bible’s advising against it. He opted instead for a process known as “scarification” (a body modification that uses scar tissue to create a permanent brand) explaining that a wound that would certainly heal was not the same as a cut or a mark.
A religious symbol is any image or archetype that expresses an idea, teaches a moral or brings the wearer closer to his or her God or gods. A tattoo does not have to be particular to Christianity to be considered a religious mark. Although some of the more common religious tattoos show up in the form of crosses or crucifixes, Buddhist images (along with Hebrew writing, Celtic, Islamic, Hindu and Ancient Egyptian symbols, even the Chinese yin-yang) all fall under the category of religion.
Rose trend Bali Tattoos
Roses, especially red roses, have always been closely associated with love and of course passion, and the tattoo artists of today have been exploiting these associations to their fullest. The newfound focus of the youth on all things related to spiritual communion and physical passion between lovers is very evident through the plethora of rose tattoo designs out there
Beyond doubt, the rose is probably the most loved and adored type of flower anywhere in the world. Since time immemorial, the rose was (and still is) the only flower that was linked with romance and passion between lovers. These romantic connotations are probably why the rose is such a popular flower today. Which woman wouldn’t want to receive a single red rose or a bouquet of roses from their lover? The red rose in particular is undoubtedly the most popular color because it relates strongly to love and of course sex!
However, the rose has many different symbolic meanings. According to the folklore in certain places, the rose was highly admired and revered by the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite and Venus, who was Aphrodite’s Roman counterpart. Apart from the romantic and sexual connotations, the red rose also has spiritual and religious connections and is a symbol of the Virgin Mary. People claiming to have witnessed or set eyes upon the vision of Mary say that her appearance is always accompanied by the scent of roses.
So, if you are considering getting a rose tattoo done, but are not very sure because of its romantic and sexual implications, you don’t have to worry – rose tattoos are not only adorned by women, but some of the most masculine men have also been seen sporting the rose tattoo.
Whatever may be your reasons for getting a rose tattoo – from showing love and affection to a loved one to paying homage to a departed loved one – the rose tattoo is one of the most popular tattoo designs amongst the youth today. From getting a plain rose tattooed on your arm to being more creative by incorporating the rose in a multi-image tattoo, you can experiment with many designs
Friday, September 25, 2009
Sexy Girl With Design Lower Back Tattoo Gallery Picture
This image shows a woman wearing sexy Chinese design symbol tattoo on the lower back. Design a simple but delicious in the eye. Simple and meaningful, but sorry I do not know what that means writing it. For women who like simple design of this may be one of your choice.
This image shows a woman wearing sexy flower tattoo design on the lower back body. Flower tattoo design uses four color composition of black, yellow, green and purple. But I think flower tattoo design is still too little older, a little bit less. But if you liked the picture and size so please use this tattoo design. The important thing is you like and comfortable.
This image shows a woman wearing sexy tattoo design with a polished diamond blue and in combination with a king symbol tattoo on the lower back. For sexy women who seek or king diamond symbol tattoo you can use this image. Tattoo design drawings and diamond king was also a good tattoo in place in the back body, upper arm, neck or it could be the tattoo on foot to your taste sexy women.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Phoenix BALI Tattoos Design
The Magnificent Phoenix
So who or what is the phoenix? Well, this mythological bird is extremely mystical and enigmatic. Because of this, it is a very popular motif in tattoo artwork around the world. This bird's origins are believed to lie in the ancient country of Ethiopia in Africa. The bird's name is connected with 'fire' and the color 'red.' Amongst other ideas, the phoenix incorporates notions of life, rebirth and renewal. This is a great symbol for 'starting again' or 'washing away the old.' If you are contemplating a phoenix bird tattoo you need to take these values into account. Also, a phoenix bird of fire tattoo must be of sufficient size to make an impact. This is a magnificent bird and deserves respect - size is important. You simply can't represent the idea of eternal life and rebirth with a small tattoo!
Finding a Suitable Design
If you have made up your mind to get a phoenix tattoo design, the next stage in your planning should involve research into finding a suitable design. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of tattoo galleries, both online and offline, from which you can choose your perfect phoenix tattoo. These galleries are usually full of color and are a pleasant way to while away the time as you make up your mind. However, try not to get too distracted by the dozens of alternative designs available. Stick to the phoenix design!
Vitally important in your final decision should be the color and size; you have to like the design, but it also has to coordinate and blend and all these elements must match if your design is to be esthetically pleasing. A balance is, therefore, needed: not too many similar or contrasting colors. Your tattoo will be with you for a long, long time so make sure it doesn't look awkward or out of place.
Finally, once you've decided on a phoenix tattoo design, you should spend a good deal of time with your chosen tattoo artist and explain exactly what it is that you are looking for and maybe even suggest a few alternate phoenix designs. Who knows, between you both you may come up with a new 'hybrid' phoenix design. It's a big decision, so take your time and 'live' with the various designs for a period of time before finally having it inked
Bali tattoo
As we all know that most of the emails people use to communicate with their friends and family members are boring as it contains information and study related paragraphs, so receivers mostly ignores such type of emails as they make them boring. On the other hand when it comes to funny emails, they never want to ignore funny emails and they stop all the work whatever they are doing and start reading those funny emails, these funny emails make them feel happy and relax while doing other work.
Another way of sending funny emails is to send funny pictures to your friends to get them laugh out loud. You can get wide range of funny emails from different websites to send to your friends via email. These funny pictures can be pictures of funny people, animals, events or anything that resembles to someone as funny. We can also take funny pictures from camera and convert them to internet files to send to others users. For this you have to scan them in to your computer and then send them to others via email.
If you are very good at picture drawing or sketching, then its good news for you that you can also send pictures on internet. You can also send these pictures of photography if you are an expert of photography, by doing so you can earn lots of money. You just have to set up an account for this purpose.
There are many ways of sending funny jokes to your friends, but the cheapest and fastest way to entertain your friends is via email. Try sending funny pictures to your loved ones as it puts a huge laugh on their faces, and they will surely admire you and reply you with a very nice response
Bali Temporary Tattoos
Bali is a great place not just for HOLIDAY but also for snorkeling and scuba diving. You can dive in the vicinity of Sanur and in Nusa Dua, but the most exiting scuba-diving locations are in more remote places. Pulau Menjangan in the west is a favorite, as are Candidasa, Padangbai, Tulamben, and Amed in the east. Other spots are Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan.
Menjangan Island
The most beautiful unspoiled coral reefs in Bali are off the coast of Pulau Menjangan ("Deer island"). Comprising hundreds of species of coral, these reefs extend 100 to 150m from the shore then drop 40 to 60 m down to ocean floor.Menjangan island and the nearby mainland are excellent places for swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving.
Padang Bai
Padang Bai is a major harbor for ships to Lombok and points east, as well as for smaller boats to Nusa Penida. Padangbai hides great coves and dive spots behind its hills. Just north of Padangbai is the Blue Lagoon, a treasure-trove of marine life. 2 islands (Tepekong and Mimpang) outside the bay, and Biaha a little to the north, offer some of the most breath-taking diving in Bali. However, due to conditions, these 3 sites need to be treated with care and respect. The currents coming from the Lombok Strait create unpredictable water movements that can result in a washing machine effect.
ulamben is a quiet village on the northeast coast of BALI, facing the Lombok Strait. Divers occasionally meet mola-mola sunfish, hammerhead sharks and whale sharks in the waters off Tulamben. Its biodiversity and location make Tulamben one of the best dive sites in the world. Complete with its own wreck, the USS Liberty, which sank in 1963 when Gunung Agung erupted, the easy access to this wreck adds to the village’s charm.
Amed reef, this small coral reef lies in depths ranging from 12-22M. In this area you will find many different kinds of sponges and gorgonians and the marinelife includes everything from gobies and shrimp as well as anemones with attendant clownfish to schools of barracuda and Blue Spotted Ray. Many different kinds of parrotfish, angelfish, surgeonfish and moray eel.
Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan
Nusa Lembongan, a small island between Bali and Nusa Penida in the Badung Strait, is the perfect location for a dive trip like no other. With seasonal migrations of the Mola Mola and all year round sightings of Manta rays, this is an exceptional location to see prolific marine life.
Bali Tattoo Artists
There are a few decisions that you need to get absolutely right before you get a tribal back tattoo.
Cost is very important but so are the health and safety aspects. You want to make sure that the tattoo parlor you are going to use is considered safe as well as cool. If you have used the tattoo parlor then that is OK but if not then you really need someone to have checked it out before, which I will come to later.
Being unique is something we all enjoy naturally and so it is with our bodyink designs. One of the problems with checking out designs on the web are that they are on someone else. Have you ever been to a party and worn the exact same clothes design as some one that is already there? I was so embarrassed I almost died!
So how do you avoid duplicating body art? One way that I have discovered is by visiting an online resource where you get access to your own designer that is a specialist in tribal back tattoos. This professional can talk through your needs and come up with a solution and a great design.
Another spin off that I found is that the website usually has a forum where you can chat about your experiences and also get tips about which local tattooists are the best in terms of cash, health and designs.
Money is tight but let us be clear this design will be with us for a lifetime.
Some of the designs that are inked into our bodies are rich in ancient mystical heritage from the very birth of mankind. Stories of great battles are often depicted in the tribal designs from the ancient years of history.
The designs tell of fertility rights and were also a sign to the gods that the bearer of these ancient shapes and whirls should be blessed with many children so that they too could carry on the tradition of adorning the tribal tattoos on their bodies with the greatest of pride.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sexy Girl With Japanese Tattoo Design On The Back Body
This image shows a woman with a tattoo stories sexy Japanese society. There Geisha and Japanese devil images. Cherry blossoms are falling and there are also traditional Japanese lamps. Japanese tattoo design is placed on the back body with full color. I think this Japanese tattoo designs are full of the art premises.
This image shows a woman with a sexy japanese geisha tattoo with the classic image. Japanese Tattoo Design in combination with sunflower image and lotus flowers, there are also images of the crescent moon is yellow. Picture this tattoo design with big size and put on the back body. There are also pictures Japanese flag with the symbol of the rising sun.
This image shows a woman with a sexy japanese phoenix tattoo on the theme of black images. Tattoo design is made with a large size so that the full on the back body. Japanese phoenix tattoo design is also in combination with images of flowers in place on the upper back body and on the lower back left side. Phonix japanese tattoo design is a classic theme.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Amazing 3D Tattoos Design On The Body Gallery Picture
This is a 3D design drawing is very unusual tattoo according to say, because the design 3d spider tattoo is very much alive. It must be very painful and long process of manufacture. Look at where the skin such as peeling and in it as there is armor with a symbol of the spider, and the outer skin made like a bruise. Once again I think this design 3d spider tattoo that is very amazing.
No less a design 3d spider tattoo on top, 3d tattoo design is also amazing muscle. Look at how the muscles can seem almost like the original. Maybe that's our muscles if no skin ha ... ha ... ha ... In terms of manufacture must be very complicated and filled with precision. Where detail the muscles must be fit and clear. I believed that if you make a 3d tattoo designs these muscles must be very proud.
In comparison with the design drawing on the 3d tattoo design is not too sick the manufacturing process, but this tattoo 3d design also no less amazing. Look at how the skin looks like really looked at sewing shriveled skin. Moreover, this tattoo 3d design fits so well in placed in the upper arm, but this tattoo 3d design can also be in place at the foot if you want to make.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sexy Girl With Design Heart Tattoos Gallery Picture
Red heart tattoo design is very simple but still interesting in view of the eye. Design small and simple that this tattoo a lot of use by women and the manufacturing process is very easy. Red heart tattoo design is also good in place in the hands, neck or tattoo in the foot, if you want to put as the picture is not the problem.
Tattoo design a special heart for women who are just heart broken he ... he ... he .... Where is the heart tattoo design in coherent with bird tattoo pictures and flower tattoo placed on the back body. Broken heart tattoo is very large designs.
Like the picture of a woman wearing a tattoo design of a new heart using zebra theme on the lower back. Zebra heart tattoo design is very unique and creative. Zebra heart tattoo designs can be in place where you want, at hand, in the neck or tattoo in the foot because of the unique design and simple. I think the women also like to design this tattoo zebra hearts.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Feminine Tattoos With Desain Butterfy Tattoo Full Colour
Tattoo designs butterfly and pink flowers look very beautiful. In supporting the body of the girl who looks very sexy butterfly tattoo is more alive. Moreover, the tattoo that looked neat and smooth made the butterfly tattoo is more beautiful. Design a butterfly tattoo can also be placed on the upper back or the front lower body as well tattoo.
This design is very beautiful. With a butterfly tattoo color on the back purple medium body. Wing design also uses the theme of tribal tattoo. Butterfly tattoo I think it looks very sexy at all.
The most appealing to today’s inked woman are pretty, girly, and ethereal designs. Of this motif you will see dragonflies, butterflies, fairies, flowers, hearts, and things of that nature. These are feminine tattoos because they unconsciously symbolize very feminine qualities such as love, warmth, spirituality, and freedom. The less feminine category are tattoos that women get in terms of symbolism. Yes, women are more prone than men to get a tattoo of something symbolic.
Sexy Girl With Design Tribal Rose Flower Tattoo Design On The Lower Back Body
This tattoo design drawings combined symbol roses and tribal tattoo on the lower back body. Design this tattoo for women, especially in place on the lower back body. Where the blue roses and green leaves, while stems in a black tribal design.
In the midst of a sexy girl picture with tribal tattoo background. But I think that in the middle of the design is not good so we suggest you replace the other tattoo designs or just delete if you want to wear this tattoo design.
Design this tattoo for women, especially in place on the lower back body. Where the red roses are the leaves and green stems. Red rose tattoo design looks very alive. The women will love this tattoo design. Good tattoo design is also in place in the upper arm or a tattoo on his calf.
Black and white photo shows the small rose tattoo design on the lower back body. I think the rose tattoo design is very simple but still stylish. It is suitable for women who like minimalist design tattoo. This tattoo design is also cool when placed on the wrist or foot tattoo.
Picture Design Combination Star Tattoo, Sun Tattoo, Moon Tattoo And Fairy Tattoo
This tattoo design drawings combined tattoo symbol of the sun, stars and moon. Foot symbol of the sun with orange flames. The moon was full of yellow and blue crescent. As for the stars with green
This tattoo design drawings combined fairy tattoo symbols, stars and moons. Where the fairy was sitting on a crescent moon with her dress fluttering in the wind. In this tattoo design drawings placed in the upper back of a woman. Very cool for a woman who wanted a tattoo.
Picture design is a pink star tattoo on the lower back. With a simple variation on either side tribal too small stars in pink, too. Well pink is my favorite color, so what can I say apart from I love this tattoo. I have a tattoo on my lower back but its just a plain black celtic design. I wish I had something like this done. It's not to fancy and has not got much color but it seems to just fit together nicely.
Nautical Star Tattoos Design Tattoos For Men And Women
The nautical star is a 5-pointed star, the points are split in half and filled with an alternating color (usually black-red or black-white). Sailors used stars and the North Star (aka Polaris) for navigation, so it's not hard to see why so many of them have star tattoos. They function as a guide to get them back home safely.
Also today, people have star tattoos for similar reasons, you can rely on them when you are lost in your life, they are a light in the darkness.In Ireland the nautical star is a symbol for good health, it's an old Pagan symbol you can find in certain Irish hospitals.
The nautical star tattoo has a special meaning in the gay and lesbian community. Some gay and lesbian people have a nautical star tattooed on their wrist as a sign of their disposition. The wrist is a place that can easily be covered by wearing a watch or a bracelet. Curiously, many celebrities have a star tattoo on their wrist (see further).The nautical star is also a popular punk rock tattoo design.
Figure Blonde Star With Star Tattoo Design The Very Simple
Tattoos are very popular star tattoo designs for women and men. They are very popular as a first tattoo because star tattoos are usually small in design and they do not have to be very complicated, a simple black star tattoo can be very striking. Many variations of star tattoos and many people claim that these images have a symbolic or a very strong metaphysical.
In fact, the star is one of the oldest symbols and images are significant in many religions and belief systems. Star is always awe inspiring, even today, when we have the science to help us understand what they are. Before the modern era, people look to the sky and tried to explain that the beautiful scenery with the help of mythology and religion. Star is a symbol that is universal, not tied to a particular religion or culture, and can mean many different things to different people.
I think the design in this picture is very good, with tattoos colorful star with a small size. Star tattoo designs are very simple but still stylish.This star tattoo design is also good for the tattoo placed on the hands or neck. Tattoo design small stars are very suitable for you women sexy.
The picture above, where a woman with a tattoo design of stars on the side body. Tattoo design stars simple and full on the side body. With variations stars design, there is a thick black edges, there is a black center, there was also a star with circle background.I think this design is less attractive because of too much, too big to full on the side body.
Image Design Japanese Dragon Tattoo And Design Tribal Dragon Tattoo
Figure Japanese dragon tattoo design was standing. With the position ready to attack and under accompanied by writing in Japanese. Figure Japanese dragon tattoo design can give this a peacock on his skin color and black colors on the legs and fins. In the dragon's eyes and red berries flames give the color combination of yellow and orange colors
Figure tribal dragon tattoo design standing red. With the position and ready to attack this dragon has two wings. This tattoo design can be in place for the upper arm tattoo or tattoo on his calf. Tribal dragon tattoo designs are very unique and cool.
Image Design Skull Tattoo And Rose Tattoo
design drawings of the skull and roses tattoo tattoos are suitable for men in the upper arm. picture in love roses can be red or your own. leaf color and black skull. This tattoo design drawings can also be the tattoo on his calf